Recent Advances in Clinical Enzymology

The past year has seen a wider application of knowledge originating over the last decade rather than startling new developments. For brevity, only serum enzymes will be considered and the points at which progress is being made are indicated by the sectional headings which follow.
Considerable change is taking place in established enzyme methods and new forms of methodology are being developed. Colorimetric kinetic assays Together with the familiar ultraviolet (UY) kinetic assays, newer kinetic assays utilising wavelengths in the visible part of the spectrum are proving increasingly popular. They have been rendered possible by the increasing availability of chromogenic enzyme substrates.
Their advantages are:
- No reagent addition is required to stop the reaction. Therefore there is no dilution of product; the amount of product to be measured is small and the amount of sample is small.
- They are highly sensitive and therefore rapid.
- Since sample size is small, there is minimal effect of activators or inhibitors added with the sample.
- Sample blanks are not required.
- Incubation timing errors are avoided, hence accuracy increased.
- Linearity of enzyme reaction can be monitored.
- Methodology is simple and suitable for semi automation.
- Highly active sera may be measured without dilution so avoiding dilution effects (i.e. effect of sample on substrate pH, inhibitor or activator concentration).
Enzyme Engineering [EEG] is a peer-reviewed journal that offers researchers and scholars in-depth useful reviews and research trials and surveys of new and novel approaches in the field of Enzymology and Clinical Sciences.
The objective of the editorial board of EEG is to offer all the scholars round the globe a topical, pertinent, and useful information to support their researches in wide range of fields.
ISSN: 2329-6674
Impact Factor: 1*
Current Issue: Volume 8 Issue 1
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Enzyme Engineering: Open-Access
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